Sabtu, 17 April 2010

SPLATTERED MERMAIDS-Stench Of Flesh (2008)

Look, my reviews have sucked (more than usual) the last couple of weeks because I've been spending 95% of my time on craigslist looking for a new house, and the other 5% of the time actually working. I have finally signed the rental agreement for a new place, so my writing can now return to it's normal level of suckiness.

Splattered Mermaids (great name!) are some Swedish nutjobs comprised of members of Deranged and Visceral Bleeding, and that's basically what they sound like: tightly-executed blasting butchery interspersed with some mid-paced 'groove' elements, generally based around a catchy riff or two. My assumption from the cover art is that 'Hammer Smashed Face" serves as the lyrical foundation for the entire record, although I'm going to throw them some extra credit for 'Spliced Girls."

Anyway, you basically get what this sounds like, so I'm gonna leave it at that. I've got rehearsal with my new band Shattered Unicorns, anyway.

1. Face Laceration
2. Stench Of Flesh
3. Throat Unsafe From A Pair Of Scissors
4. Instant Spastic Regurgitation
5. Spliced Girls
6. Circular Holes In The Cranial Structure
7. Corporeal Manifestation
8. By My Blade (Re-recorded)
9. Degrading Malice
10. Restless Dreams Of Atrocities


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