Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

FELIX SUICIDE-Remembering My Death [Demo] (2009)

Band - Felix Suicide
Genre - Experimental Screamo/ Metalcore
Country - Bandung, Indonesia
Web - http://www.myspace.com/felixscreamosuicide

Band Members :
Pudja - Vocals
Wylie - Guitar
Opik - Guitar
Adit - Bass
Dery - Drums

when a obsession appear begin to inspiration,a group children wish descriptioned to idea that turn up from head.radience of circle.the name from shape a obsessions.a band that to be shaped on 2004,with player composition 5 man.they already walking performance from event to event. But,together with walked time,they come along to float away by stream that make they different. from alternative became emo.problem appear begin.on 2006,R.O.C emo became that in substance.they apportunity played event in outside.appear of problem.editional bass is subtitute.R.O.C since again with wylie(guitar),dery(drum),gilang(vox),and adit (bass). but, scorn, scolding ,and term of abuse come for decorate.people to disdain emo at same moment.appear one idea,is replace of genre.finally,on 8 feb 2008 since of "FELIX SUICIDE" with screamo metal core genre. not come in there,gilang not match to fell with sceramo metal core genre and he lost do not know where. subtitute in vox by chndra,additional vox.and after to make pass many problem,phudja and opik come to raise of felix suicide.so, FELIX SUICIDE with a new composition is wyli(guitar), dery(drum), adit(bass), opik(guitar), and phudja(vox)

Remembering My Death (DEMO 2009) Tracklist :
  1. Remembering My Death
  2. bisikan maut sang penguasa
  3. embrace
  4. synopsis of crowded
  5. the torment first night when angel fall
  6. promise idealism

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