Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

BLAZE INSIDE-Pure Potenciality (2008)

Band - Blaze Inside
Album - Pure Potenciality
Year - 2008
Genre - Brutal Death Metal
Country - Colombia
Web - http://www.myspace.com/blazeinside

Band Members :
Julian Muriel - Guitar (Mindly Rotten, Masturbation)
Damian Yusti - Vocals
Jhon Fredy - Drums

Blaze Inside is a high speed brutal death metal band from Colombia.


Blaze Inside - Pure Potenciality (2008)
1. Universal Organism
2. Umlumbrant Origin
3. Central Collision
4. Aeolian Erosion (Paralyzing Succession)
5. Torrent of Mysteries
6. Missive Stillness
7. Shine Interval of Expiration
8. Enormous Prodigious Sphere...
9. Paradigm


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